
Showing posts from May, 2023

Sponsored or not?

One of the things I've been very hesitant about is doing the ride on a sponsored basis. There have been two main reasons for this; firstly, it hasn't been the main motivator, and secondly it adds additional pressure.  The primary motivators have always been the  challenge and the adventure. Can I do it and can I do it on my own, solo and unsupported? I genuinely don't know the answers to these questions. I know that I can ride 200km fully loaded, and since about a week ago I know I can ride 200km, bivvy for the night, and then ride 200km home again. But what I've honestly no idea about is whether I can ride 200km a day for seven days*, which is what's required to complete the ride in a week. Certainly, a lot will have to go really well to hit the seven day target. Eight or nine days is much more likely; it will depend a lot on the weather (not least because I'm heading into the prevailing wind) and also my ability is to rest and recover each night.  ...


In 2008 I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right hip and was told I needed a total hip replacement. I avoided the operation for 10 years (having a replacement aged 35 would probably mean it would need re-doing twice). A couple of months after the op I wondered why I hadn't had it done sooner; I was pain free and gaining more mobility every day. Both before and after the op I found cycling one of the best forms of exercise (low impact and everything kept in line), I began to wonder how far the new hip could take me...